Unmute Yourself

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Speaking Up in Online Meetings.

Years ago I was acting as a spokesperson for the Dietitians Association and found myself, very early one morning, in the television studio at Channel 7 waiting to be interviewed by one of the morning chat shows.

The whole experience, to say the least, was quite nerve wracking. In fact I don't remember much about the preparation as my inner dialogue was working over time preparing the messages in my head, going over what I was going to say and worrying that I might stuff the whole thing up - or that I had missed seeing a bit of baby vomit on my jacket (that did happen once but that's a story for another time :-)).

The angst of the preparation faded in comparison however to the moment the lights came on in the studio.

The producer counted us out from the ad break, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then it was Lights Up, Camera On and Action! The host started speaking and the bright lights beamed straight onto us having me feel like a rabbit caught in the headlights!

I heard the first question but somewhere between the asking and the beginning of me speaking I lost track - I couldn't remember the question!

I rambled for a bit not remembering the point I was trying to make but the highly skilled interviewers guided me through and back on track - their smooth transitions and relaxed banter filling any awkward spaces and I managed to get through.

Today, as we experience a 60% increase in the frequency of online meetings, I'm reminded of that experience.

Unmuting yourself to speak up in online meetings can feel like you're under a spotlight - you may feel a bit of that stunned rabbit vibe.

The lack of non-verbal cues and body language mean you're having to grapple with the paradox of feeling all eyes are on you through the screen, while at the same time sitting alone in a room with your voice.

The ability to unmute and speak with confidence in online meetings however is something we need to get used to. Not only is it rapidly becoming part of our new working environment, it is also a means of demonstrating your leadership abilities.

According to Allison Shapira, author of Speak with Impact, many organizations measure leadership readiness in part by a persons willingness to speak up in meetings. Being able to speak off the cuff can have a bigger impact on your career advancement than your presentations or speeches. This means that meetings are a key way to get yourself noticed.

When you speak up and contribute it shows you’re confident and proactive and this can make you out as a future leader.

If you're looking to grow your presence in online meetings and wanting to unmute yourself and speak with greater power and ease, I've put together a tips sheet that may be of value. You can download a copy here.

If you prefer watching and listening, you may enjoy last week's YouTube video here.

I hope you find these tips of value and would love to hear any feedback you have.

In the meantime, carry on being more of who you already are.

Sharon Natoli