To speak up with confidence, the first conversation you need to have is with yourself. That's because what you say on the outside is a direct reflection of what you are saying to yourself on the inside.
If your self-talk is dominated by your inner critic - buzzing around saying things like ‘you can’t do it, you aren’t good enough, you won’t get there, who do you think you are?’ - it can silence you, keep you small and zap your personal power. It can create fears, doubts and anxieties that diminish your influence, weaken your voice and have you feel stuck in life – unable to fully express yourself, lead effectively and live the life you've imagined.
In this interactive and enlightening session Sharon runs through a diagnostic tool to provide you with insights into the balance between the undermining effects of your inner critics and the elevating influence of your inner companions. As a result of attending, you will walk away with an understanding of where you can take immediate action to help you speak up, ignite the power of your voice and begin living, loving and leading your life from the inside out.