The Voice of Self Compassion as a Pathway to Inner Strength
How kind are you to yourself? Do you support and encourage yourself when you face a challenge or set back, or does the switch of your inner dialogue automatically turn to berating yourself?
In this live event we will discuss the benefits of speaking to yourself kindly as a pathway to personal power. We’ll cover how raising the inner voice of self compassion helps you grow your inner strength, makes it easier to speak up, take control of the direction of your life and grow your influence.
Research shows that self compassion is associated with greater feelings of self-worth. The trap we often fall into however is thinking that looking after yourself is selfish or indulgent. What if I get lazy? you might say. The surprising answer is that the opposite is true.
Join me on 16 September as we discuss ways to raise the inner voice of self compassion.
As a result of attending you will:
• Understand how to recognise self compassion
• Diagnose your current level of self kindness
• Learn phrases and behaviours compatible with self compassion
• Identify useful practical strategies to put into practise
• Overcome excuses that get in the way of nurturing yourself