Why speak to inspire?

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The year 2020 presented many challenges for the food sector - from disrupted supply chains, to altered consumer behaviour and volume fluctuations.

But amongst the unpredictable changes we also experienced significant innovation, including acceleration of new and more direct ways for food producers to connect with stakeholders and consumers.

One of these was through virtual story sharing.

Over the course of last year I had the opportunity to interview 25 leaders from across the food sector and listen to their inspiring stories of change. From growing more food locally to feeding an expanding urban population, under-taking random acts of kindness and investing in regenerative agriculture.

The key take out from these interviews was that the ability to inspire through story telling is an extremely effective way of creating a meaningful relationship between a leader, an organisation and its key stakeholders. This ability to be meaningful in turn, is a key contributor to long term business success.

For example, research by Havas shows meaningful brands outperform the stock market by 206% over a 10 year period, achieve 9x the share of a consumers wallet and are more likely to meet key business KPI's such as the ability to charge a premium price, create a positive impression and increase brand advocacy.

From an internal organisational perspective, not only is inspiration contagious - lifting others and stimulating productivity, according to McKinsey, today's more hybrid virtual working environment relies on inspirational leadership styles to compensate for the reduced socioemotional cues characteristic of digital channels.

When people throughout a business can speak in a way that inspires others, it supports innovation, contributes to team connection and builds workplace culture - all necessary ingredients for turning strategy into action.

Given these benefits, I've reflected on the common characteristics of the leaders I interviewed in 2020 in the Virtual Lunch Room to determine how they were able to share their stories in a way that inspired others. These points are outlined below along with some key questions which may be useful if you're looking to speak to inspire your team and create meaningful consumer connections in 2021.

1. Share a perspective.
The first characteristic of those who speak to inspire is to have a perspective to share. A point of view worth listening to, and the courage to speak up and share it.
Q: What is your point of view about the values and issues that are currently important internally and externally and are you sharing your perspective?

2. Tell stories of change.
Providing evidence that taking action will make a difference lifts others and instills a sense of hope. According to marketing guru Seth Godin, "What leaders do is they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about change."
Q: What stories of change can you share as evidence your organisation is evolving toward a better future?

3. Connect people around a common purpose.
Shared values create connection which means focusing your external messages on the values held by consumers is key.
Q: What consumer values match your organisational values and are you sharing these externally?

4. Paint a picture of a better future.
While sharing stories of change provides evidence that a better future is possible, sharing a vision that inspires a new direction instills a sense of optimism.
Q: Do you have a clear vision of the future you are working towards and are you sharing this vision with others?

5. Step into the unknown.
Sharing stories of risk, exploring new territory and of doing things differently provides a sense of excitement. Stepping into the unknown provides an opporutnity for accelerated learning, focusing a team on action connected with collaborative problem solving. Running experiments, having a sense of curiosity and trying something new are all ways to inspire those around you.
Q: What new projects are underway that haven't been done before? What can you share about these that contributes to a sense of excitement about the future?

Cultivating the skills to speak to inspire is one way to connect strategy with action and to lift yourself and your team internally. By doing this, you provide a springboard for the development and distribution of meaningful consumer and stakeholder communication, establishing an effective strategy for the year ahead.

Sharon Natoli