Power Leaks

How to Stop the Flow

Over the weekend, the tap in our bath started leaking.

I could hear the drip, drip, drip from the room next door as overtime, more and more water disappeared down the drain.
A simple fix - a new washer – was all that was required to stop the flow.
It got me thinking about how small leaks, gradual drips without a fix, can add up over time to something bigger - a useful analogy when it comes to personal power.
Personal power can gradually leak in small, regular ways, so that slowly over time it erodes away without your conscious awareness.
For example, if you:

  • Consistently ask your partner what they would like for dinner, before you ask yourself.

  • Go to Movie A because it was the preference of the majority of your friends, when what you really wanted to do was to go to Movie B.

  • Avoid asking your boss to leave early for an appointment because you feel obliged to work 8 hours a day.

These small, seemingly innocuous power leaks, can add up to a significant loss of personal agency of time.
According to Gillian Stokes in her book Personal Power, there are many reasons why this happens. 
It could be a lack of encouragement early in life, a habit that has been passed down from generation to generation, a negative association between power and control over others, or a fear of asserting and exposing yourself due to the risk of being criticised.
Whatever the contributors, discovering and tapping into your personal power is key to finding your voice, developing your full potential and living your best life.

Whatever your past, there is a spirit within that is worthy of your exploration and claiming your power is part of your natural birthright.
To begin the journey, below are a few questions that can help identify, and start plugging, personal power leaks.

Do you have thoughts that encourage you to give up your power to others, or to the circumstances? Monitor your inner dialogue and get curious about the messages you are sending yourself.

Are there feelings you're having that are sabotaging your actions? Notice when your body feels out of alignment and take a moment to reflect on what's going on.  Treat your feelings as a useful source of information.

Are there distractions that are eating up your time in low value activities? Notice when you're doing things out of obligation. What would it take to stop doing these and start taking action toward the things you really want?  

Like a washer for a leaking tap, self reflection is a useful tool to begin plugging personal power leaks and getting back on track to creating the life you want.

Sharon Natoli