Doing What You Really Want

How to express your true essence

This week I'm driving down the NSW coast.  I have a direction and a destination, but no real deadline. I get to stay where I want, drive as far as I want, eat where I want and do what I want!

I'll be spending lots of time walking on the beach, watching the sunset and breathing in the salty sea air because these are some of the things that set my soul on fire.

Doing what you want is liberating but it can feel like a dangerous idea. It runs counter cultural in a society where being rewarded for following the rules, doing what's 'right', and being 'good' are highly valued behaviours. 

In her book The Way of Integrity Martha Beck suggests doing what you want is a key element to living life in alignment with your authentic self.

She says giving yourself the freedom to choose how you spend your time is less about going wild - smoking, drinking, and dancing all night - and more about connecting to the things your heart desires. Then making time to do those things.

If you're not sure where to begin, Beck suggests starting with an audit. 

Make a list of all the things you love to do. 

Then make a list of all the things you have to do. 

Look at your lists and ask yourself how much time are you spending doing what you have to do, compared to what you really want to do?

If your time is weighted toward the things you don't enjoy, begin by putting a little less time into those, and more into what you really want to do.

Repeatedly set aside 10 minutes a day to write that book, paint that picture, study that course, practise that instrument, or whatever it is for you that sets your soul on fire.

Build on this by continually carving out more and more time to do what you really want. Keep going until your authentic self starts to emerge, the music returns to your life and the essence of who you are begins to shine through.

You got this.

Sharon Natoli