Radical Responsibility
Stepping into Your Power
Knowing you have choice is one of the most powerful thoughts you can have.
The moment you believe everything you're experiencing is the result of a choice you've made, is the moment you take radical responsibility for your life. You stop being a victim of the circumstances, environment and people around you, and start creating the experiences you want.
Stepping up and taking radical responsibility however can be scary.
The worrier in your mind says: What if I make the wrong decision? What if I offend someone? What if it's not really what I want? What if it's not what someone else wants for me?
These 'what ifs' slow you down and keep you in the comfort zone.
The comfort zone however is not only comfortable and warm, it's also the zone of regret, blame, resentment, stagnation and unfulfilled dreams.
It's the zone of the status quo and the acceptance of 'good enough' - the type of 'good enough' that says: "this relationship is good enough", "this job is good enough", "this living arrangement is good enough".
But good enough is not enough - it's settling for less than what you want, deserve or need. It's putting a lid on what's possible for you.
Motivational speaker Tony Robbins said "All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone" .
Radical responsibility sits at the edge of your comfort zone and often requires you to grow. It's not about following the rules, sticking with cultural norms or looking before you leap. It's about stepping into your power, trusting yourself and making decisions that serve you best.
The folllowing table shows the difference between culturally defined responsibility, and personally empowered radical responsibility.
If you're looking to take radical responsibility, step into your power and create the life you want, here are a few distinctions that may be useful:
Spend less time planning and more time leading.
Listen to those in power and authority AND hold onto your own power.
Don't shrink down to blend in. Get comfortable standing out.
If your intuition tells you it doesn't feel right, don't stay and tough it out. Let it go.
Stop being polite and waiting your turn. When you have something to say, say it.
Focus less on getting better and more on being better. There's a point where you need to stop practising and step onto the court and start playing.
Take off the mask that hides who you are. Expose your authentic self.
Don't hold back and let things happen. Make it your business to be an agent in creating the life you want.
Let go of the cage of perfection. Embrace compassion as your preferred modus of operation.
Put these distinctions into practise and watch your life change.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on radical responsibility. Simply hit reply and let me know.